Using Powershell and Robocopy to setup your Backup replication and email alerts

If you do not have Robocopy installed you will need to download and install it such as

-Windows 2003 Resource Kit Tools for a 2003 server or HomeServer


Next you need to install powershell 2.0 on the server you are using:


Next you need to allow unsigned scripts to do this:

C:\powershell.exe set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

To verify you can view the setting

C:\powershell.exe get-ExecutionPolicy


You then should copy or create your batch files and/or scripts that are easily modified

robocopy source destination /MIR /r:3 /w:1

dir destination > scripts location

here is an example:

robocopy e:\ f:\ /MIR /r:3 /w:1

dir "e:\*">c:\scripts\DriveCopy.txt

powershell.exe c:\scripts\RoboCopyEmail.ps1


here is an example of the RoboCopyEmail.ps1 script I use:

## Define the variables for smtp server, from address, to address, subject and message body

$emailFrom = ""

$emailTo = ""

$subject = "Backup Mirroring Operation Complete"

$body = "Please confirm file dates below if no information below copy may not have completed properly"

$body = $body + "`r`n`r`n`r`n"

$body = $body + [string]::join([environment]::NewLine,(get-content c:\Scripts\DriveCopy.txt))

$smtpServer = ""

## Initiate sending a message to the IT group.

$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

$smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)


Shared credit: Tim Lewis, Daryl Hunter


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