
Showing posts from July, 2017

Mitel 5000 reboot procedure

Mitel main phone system reboot Middle Button once Down arrow to “System Menu” Middle button to select “System Menu” Down arrow to “Reboot” Middle button to select “Reboot” Down arrow to “Yes” Middle button to select “Yes” Reboot usually takes less than 5 minutes If you accidently power it off instead of reboot to power it back on select the middle button

Office 365 Change default save from OneDrive in Word and Excel

Open Word or Excel Open a blank document Click on “File”, “Options”, “Save”, and check “Save to Computer by default” as shown below and click “OK” at the bottom of that window to save the setting: If you have an alternate location you may want to change the “Default local file location as well” such as a network my documents redirected path mapping. Now the next time you click “save as” you will notice it now goes to “This PC” rather than OneDrive: