Basic creation and restoration using ImageX

Creation and restoration using ImageX


Startup System using AIK boot media

Select Windows Setup [EMS Enabled]

At command prompt type:

Net Use z: \\servername\storage

Enter in your- domain\user credentials

Cd d:

Imagex.exe /capture c: z:\folder\imagename.wim “image description” /compress fast /verify


Imagex.exe /capture c: z:\imagex\DC7700W732.wim “DC7700 W7 32” /compress fast /verify


Startup System using AIK boot media

Select Windows Setup [EMS Enabled]

At command prompt type:

Net Use z: \\servername\storage

Enter in your- domain\user credentials

Cd d:

Imagex.exe /apply z:\folder\imagename.wim 1 c:


Imagex.exe /apply z:\imagex\DC7700W732.wim 1 c:


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