Setup Netopia\Motorola Router for Static IP Traffic
The following will show you how to configure a Netopia\Motorola Router to Authenticate and pass through Static IP Traffic into your local network. Follow the initial “Quick Start” to configure and test the Username and Password at that point it will still grab a random DHCP address. Select “Expert Mode” and select “Yes” Select “Configure”> Select “LAN”> And enter in your first Static IP Select “Submit” Select “DHCP” and revise to Statics that are not assigned or Disable Select “Submit” Select “Wan” on the left Menu> Select “PPP overEthernet vcc1” Uncheck “Address Mapping (NAT)” Select “Submit” On top select “Security”> Select “Stateful Inspection” Select “Exposed Addresses” Select “Add”> Enter in the address range you want exposed Select “Submit” Click on the Yellow Warning Icon Select “Save and Restart”
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