Exchange 2003 Domain to Domain Recovery

Warning! Please confirm in a test environment. I have not used these notes in some time and do not remember if they are complete!

This is the method used when new mailboxes were created in a new domain with the same domain name and server name. This assumes the files were in a clean state.

Open Active Driectory Users and Computers

Add Administrator to “Exchange Domain Server” group

To confirm files were closed in a Clean State

At a command prompt Go to the exchsrv\bin directory and run:

ESEUTIL /mh “path to the .edb” (use the quotes too)

Scroll up through the output and look for STATE=Clean Shutdown

If clean close the dos window and proceed

Open Exchange System Manager (proceed past any ok or warnings in the recovery store)

Expand >Adminstrative groups>First Administrative Group> Servers>

Right Click on the server and select New Recovery Storage Group

Note the creation path

and let it create

Right Click on Recovery Storage Group and select New Mailbox Store

Again note the path and let it create it

Make sure it mounts OK

Dismount the New Mailbox Store you just mounted

Go to the directory of your original .edb and.stm files you wish to use COPY them to the recovery store directory where the recovery mailbox store is.

Note the name of the store it created here _____________________________

Delete the store .edb and .stm files and rename your data to the same name

Delete the log files as well

Remount the store it should mount ok but the folders may not appear under it proceed to next step

Run ADSIedit.msc





CN=Adminstrative Groups

CN=First Administrative Group




CN=Recovery Storage Group

Right Click on CN=Recovery Storage Group and open properties

Click Show only attributes that have values

Scroll through the “msExchRecovery and msExchREcovery” and set it to TRUE and OK

Right click in the expanded name on the right and select properties

Click Show only attributes that have values

Check the “distinguishedName” field CN=Mailbox….

Check the “msExchOrigMDB” field CN=Mailbox….

Verify the path and that they match if not cut and paste to match them up then remount the store

Also Check the “LegacyExchangeDN” field /o=Domain name

Again verify the path and remount the store

The sub folders should appear in the mailbox store minus the Full Index

You should be able to see the users in the mailbox store

Go back to ADSIedit Scroll through the “msExchRestore” and set it to NOT SET and OK

Dismount and remount the store. After some time 30 minutes or so refresh and the Full index should appear.

Now you will have to dismount the users from their new


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