Server 2008 R1 SMTP Installation

To install SMTP go to “Server Manager”>”Add Features”> and install ” SMTP”


Note: I recommend installing the feature “Telnet Client” as well to aid in troubleshooting later.

After the installation completes to manage SMTP and FTP on Server 2008 R1 you must use IIS 6.0 Manager as shown below:


When using the IIS 6.0 MMC when you open SMTP you will likely receive the error “No Such Interface Supported” . This is a common problem to fix it open a command prompt as an administrator and register the DLL’s using the following command:

C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>regsvr32 smtpsnap.dll
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>regsvr32 smtpadm.dll

Close and reopen the IIS 6.0 MMC and the error should go away.

I have noticed there are some other items that are a bit off with this SMTP version such as SMTP logging does not appear to work properly. Thus the need for installing the Telnet client for testing and thoroughly locking down your SMTP environment.

Please see my other SMTP configuration tech notes on SMTP usage/relay scenarios

For more on telnet testing of SMTP:


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