2008 Server Core Setup and RODC

2008 Server Core Initial Setup notes: Credit "Avi Samocha's Blog"

Set password for local admin –
Choose 'Other User' at the logon screen> type 'Administrator' with no password and press Enter > Follow the instruction to create a new password.

Run Sysprep (For deployment) –
Navigate to 'C:\windows\system32\sysprep' and run - sysprep /OOBE /Generalize /shutdown.

Disable/Enable Screen Saver and Screen Saver Lock –
Regedit: Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and modify the 'ScreenSaverActive' & 'ScreenSaverIsSecure' Keys (0 to Disable, 1 to Enable).

Rename the Server –
netdom renamecomputer <ComputerName> /NewName:<NewComputerName>

Setup IP Configuration –
View Interfaces: netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces
Set IP for Interface: Netsh interface ipv4 set address "InterfaceName" static
Set DNS Server Addresses: netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name="InterfaceID" address="DNSIPAddress"
Run again for additional DNS Servers.

Join the computer to Domain –
netdom join "ComputerName" /domain:"DomainName" /userd:"UserName" /passwordd:"password"

Note:If you have trouble reaching the domain try checking your firewall settings or disabling it all together temporarily as listed below

EnableWindows Update –
Cscript c:\windows\system32\scregedit.wsf /au 4
Net stop wuauserv
Net start wuauserv
This will set the default configuration for Windows Update – 3AM update check. If you want to force update check run: Wuauclt /detectnow

Enable Remote Management on Firewall –
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Administration" new enable=yes

Disabling and Enabling Windows Firewall-
To disable the windows firewall –
netsh firewall set opmode disable
To enable the windows firewall –
netsh firewall set opmode enable

Enable Windows Remote Management (WinRM) –
winrm qc

Enable Remote Desktop –
cscript C:\Windows\System32\ Scregedit.wsf /ar 0
If Firewall Enabled –
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Desktop" new enable=yes

Installation of a Windows Server 2008 Core RODC:

Install DNS –
start /w ocsetup DNS-Server-Core-Role

Prepare DC Schema for RODC – (Skip if 2008 Only Server Environment)
On the Schema Master navigate to the following folder on Windows Server 2008 Media and run the following command:
X:\sources\adprep>adprep /rodcprep

Run Dcpromo with an unattended file for RODC Installation –
(dcpromo /unattend:<unattendfile>)
Sample of Unattended File for RODC Installation:

ReplicaDomainDNSName= DomainDNSName

You Server Core Initial Setup and RODC are Done!


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