DHCP Quick Migration

If you have a newer domain you can setup failover to the new DHCP and then remove the failover dependency after or you can do a quick file copy if you can have a quick down window. I am a fan of the following process for efficiency:

First I would recommend lowering your TTL on DHCP to 30 min to an hour

Open command prompt as an administrator from the server you are exporting DHCP from:

netsh dhcp server export C:\source\dhcp.dat all

Copy the dhcp.dat to the C:\source\ on the new DHCP server

Run the following command from command prompt as an administrator:

netsh dhcp server import C:\source\dhcp.dat all

Confirm settings imported and revise scopes as necessary

Disable old DHCP server (disable service to avoid auto start later)

Enable/Authorize new DHCP server and scope and test

Note: Dont forget to point any DHCP helpers or other network appliances as necessary to the new DHCP server.

Another migration method is to run the following: 

From current DHCP Server export to c:\source (named DC01 below)

 Export-DHCPServer -File c:\source\dhcp.xml -Leases -Force -ComputerName DC01 -Verbose

Copy the file from c:\source to the new DHCP server and import from C:\source (named DCNEW below)

Import-DHCPServer -File c:\source\dhcp.xml -BackupPath c:\source -Leases -ScopeOverwrite -Force -ComputerName DCNEW -Verbose




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