Server 2012 Hyper-V Free Command Start,Shutdown,Restart VM

Problem: You need to shutdown restart or start a VM from the Command line interface on your Server 2012 Hyper-V free console

Solution: Use the following powershell commands:

Note: you do not need to download or install any third party Powershell add-ons to perform these tasks.

In the Administrative window type in “Powershell.exe” and enter


Now List your VM’s by typing “Get-VM”


You can see x-UMVM1 is off to turn it on type in “Start-VM “VMname””


To check the status you can either type in “Get-VM” and see all VM’s or you can type in “Get-VM “VMname”” to see just the VM you are working on:


To shutdown your VM cleanly type in “Stop-VM “VMname””


Again to check the status you can either type in “Get-VM” and see all VM’s or you can type in “Get-VM “VMname”” to see just the VM you are working on:


To do a HARD restart of you VM type in “restart-VM “VMName””


Note: I would recommend you do a Stop and start instead if possible


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