365 Azure AD Synchronization Permissions – Insufficient access rights 8344
In Azure AD Sync you get the following 8344 Insufficient access rights to perform the operation on one or multiple accounts: Go to ADUC and right click on your domain to open Properties. Go the Security Tab and confirm the account that is used for synchronization has the following permissions: If still having the issue, I have found that if your sub OU or users are blocking inheritance that can also block the permissions from applying to the lower OU’s. Here is an example of proper setting in an sub OU. Note it says “Disable Inheritance” indicating inherence is properly enabled: Note: Inheritance may be disabled for another reason so please confirm with your Administrative team before revising. Worse case you can manually add those permissions without enabling inheritence. The same can happen to an individual user. In this case Inheritance is disabled thus the option displayed to “Enable Inheritance” :