
Showing posts from January, 2013

Installing VMWare View Patch 4.6.2 in 4.6.0 environment:

Here is the security advisory with links to downloads and release notes: The documentation I found was a bit confusing it kept referencing full scale upgrades rather than patch deployment. While those docs did reference a lot of verify this and that and backup this and that I will assume you know your environment and have backups for your backups, snapshots,… as I did before I started. Out of curiosity I used my golden image that had the 4.6.0 agent to create a new pool upgrading it to the 4.6.2 agent, without making any other changes to my environment such as the connection server. I found that it worked fine in my configuration. So I changed that to the default pool and moved my users over to the 4.6.2 agent on their VDI’s. Worse case if anything went south I would reconnect to the old 4.6.0 agent pool. I have no security server in this environment so I was able to skip that step. On View connection Server I ran an addit...