Server 2012 R2 Essentials clients offline in console
Step One: There is an Essentials server test tool made by Microsoft that you can use to determine what underlying issues you may have: In my case everything passed on the initial tests but I was receiving the error on Ports “6602” and “8192” I created an additional firewall rule to make sure those ports were open in and out. The error persisted. I found that other services may be fighting for those ports so I ran the following command: Set-NetNatTransitionConfiguration -IPv4AddressPortPool @(“serveripv4, 6001-6601”, “serveripv4, 6603-8911”, “serveripv4, 8913-47000”) See example below with server IP “”: I then reran the essentials server test tool and the ports were OK. I then restarted the Essentials 2012R2 Server and all clients started to come back online and backups began to run. Reference: Fred Moore, Small Business Susan